Monday, June 10, 2013

Yoga is great for the body,mind and spirit

Yoga is a great way to warm up your body and focus your thoughts which in turn will relax your spirit.

I've been practicing  Yoga off and on since early 2001 when after the birth of my son my weight reached an all time high of 260 lbs. So at first  I began practicing  to loose weight and gain flexibility. Gradually I noticed the serene feeling of Yoga, so I began to meditate after my practice and what an awesome feeling! I really enjoyed it.The steadiness of my thoughts was unbelievable.About 2 years into my practice I had to relocate and my practice was not as regular as I would have liked it to be,but I still found some time in my day to practice.Then things got a little hectic in my life and I had to relocate once again,because of the loss of a job I ended up moving out of state and in with relatives and once again my practice was interrupted.So after a long break from my practice I have become once again reacquainted with my practice and have fallen in love with Yoga all over again. I find that I am much more focused when I practice rather than not. So I am making great efforts to keep up my daily practice. And although since the first time I began practicing I've since injured my lower lumbar I still find it great that when I practice daily my back does not ache as much as when I don't practice. I still have pain and stiffness,especially in the mornings, in my lower lumbar, my hips and legs but, thanks to the different hip openers and sciatic stretches I am functioning quite well.

                                                      photograph courtesy of

Last month I committed to a 21 day Yoga challenge hosted by ,the challenge actually started today. So for the next 21 days I will receive a practice a day in my email and I feel I will be a great success (maybe you'll join me for the challenge). I've also found another great way to stay in daily practice with where they have all sorts of videos for different types of workouts including Yoga.I'd like to share a great Yoga flow I found over at with you that has really helped me stay focused and warm up for the hip openers I've been doing for my back and sciatic (you can find the link below).Going between the two sites has really helped me to stay with my practice and I find it to be really convenient and helpful for my practice because I can practice at home.Well I hope this bit of information helps to jump start your practice or give you a bit of inspiration to continue your journey. Thanks for reading and I'll keep you up to date with my 21 day Yoga challenge as well as my practice.Chat you up soon. :-)

10 minute Yoga Flow Series (link for sun salutation A and B,